Several individuals grasping hands together

The stories included here in the Transition Resource Guide are from students, parents, and post-secondary staff from across Ontario. Their messages are shared to let you know that you are not alone in this journey. There are a lot of people out there who have been through this process before and want to pass on their tips, advice, and encouragement.

Do you have a Transition Story you’d like to share? Send it to us through our Contact Us page.

"I first chose college because I knew it would be more of a hands-on learning environment, which is how I learn best."

"Transitioning to college and university is a big change for most students.  It’s a new campus, new professors, different type of classes and schedule, an increased workload and expectations - a lot of change in a short time!"

"For me, deciding what I wanted to do for a living was pretty easy. I was good at programming and I had a love for video games. When it came to post-secondary school though, that was a little more challenging."

"As a student with a learning disability, each year I registered with my school’s accessibility services and I met with a Learning Disabilities Strategist to discuss my goals, academic concerns and accommodations. Using the accessibility services helped with my success in completing my post-secondary education."

"I am part of a small program where there are less than fifty students. I am the only one with academic accommodations, and due to the class size, I was worried at first how my classmates and friends would react when they noticed I wrote tests separately from them and received extended deadlines."

"When I first got to University I was definitely nervous about what was up ahead. The same type of fears from High School: what if I get lost/ what if I don't make any friends, etc."

"When I transitioned from high school to university, I focused on whether or not my roommates and I would get along. I should have focused on whether or not I was ready to handle the academic changes.  Spoiler Alert! I was definitely not ready for those changes."

“When I began researching potential universities, I took special interest in the Accessibility Services Office and the Financial Services Office on each campus and what they had to offer for students."

"As I was preparing for my first year of university, I decided that I was going to live off-campus. University residences were much more expensive and I thought that living off-campus would be a good way to save money."

"My job is to help students with disabilities use the library services by making sure our services are designed to serve the needs of our diverse student body."

"Going into university, I put a lot of emphasis on the academic transition. However, I found the adjustment to university life quite challenging to balance academics with physical health, mental health, and social involvement."

"I think something that set me apart from other students with disabilities was the fact that I was very prepared. But there is nothing saying others can’t be as well, it just takes a little preparation and researching beforehand and often someone to help push things along, like a parent, teacher, or a friend."

"Last year when my son, Jordan, was applying to post-secondary institutions, the Ãâ·Ñ¶¶Òõ was invaluable."

"As a principal, I have seen firsthand the challenges that students can face when transitioning to post-secondary education."

“In my role as special education resource teacher, I found the Transition Resource Guide to be an invaluable tool to prepare senior students for their transition to post-secondary."

"The Transition Resource Guide is my go to for high school students and parents asking questions about how to access accommodations in post-secondary. It’s informative, comprehensive and very easy to navigate."

"My role as a clinical psychologist is to help young people have reasonable expectations of the post-secondary school experience and to prepare them for what’s to come."

"The Transition Resource Guide (Ãâ·Ñ¶¶Òõ) has transformed how vital information is shared with students, families, and educators."

"I found that one of the biggest issues when I switched from high school to college was a difference in the services."

“After I graduated high school, I decided to stay for one more year before I started college.  I enrolled in a high school cooking program that let me learn and practice my skills before I started college."